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Lift Parts is a place you can purchase spare parts for Kialift elevator electronics systems used in Abode Elevators water hydraulic lifts and Pandect/Vestner Maxis spindle lifts. 


Advanced Elevators now owns the Abode/Kialift elevator product and are manufacturing parts. We provide an Installation service throughout NZ using a subcontractor network. Support and documentation will be provided to owners through our sub contractors so we can ensure the safety of all end users. If you are a subcontractor, or have worked on these lifts in the past and wish to become a subcontractor please email 


We have temporarily removed our shop and download page until such time as we can rebrand all the documentation and update all of the parts we can offer and their costs. Please bear with us through this and if you need urgent assistance please don't hesitate to call (+64) 0508 LIFT ME  or email 


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